Monday, June 09, 2008

Some year huh...

Dutifully the birthday blog is back. And boy was that an awesome 25th year or WHAT!

The year when GE got into my blood and I finally started working! The year I got an apartment to call my own. The year when love bloomed totally! The year when happy things were happening all around me. Incidentally it was also the year my brain was working overtime. I was making opinions and perceptions about a million things around me. My brain worked overtime...

One thing did not change however. My birthday is still more important to people around me than me myself. Likewise to me its more about celebrating all the special people who make my life exciting and interesting. Its about all the variables that add up to balance this equation of life. How I'm defined by my reactions to their actions. Its about conceding to the fact..."Clothes maketh a man". Its about them and not about me.

So here's to all of you...