Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What writing means to me...

The inspiration for this post? One question...
"Why don't you write more often these days?"

I had mentioned to one of my friends that our minds are like balloons. Our actions and reactions are like blowing air into this balloon. We keep blowing air in, without thinking too much about how much can be contained - masking reality has always been an amazing human trait. When the balloon reaches a limit, it will burst if the air is not let out. Actions and reactions are one-way activities, they cannot be rolled back, which means we cannot let the air out from the same vent where it came from. We all need a release, and to me this release is writing. Venting my frustrations, losing some weight...of thoughts, of responsibilities, of duties. Writing is like a patch of duct tape on my balloon and I simply poke a hole on it, so the release is gradual, I don't burst. When I write I transport myself into a different world, were I'm at ease, where my emotions are in control, where I can be a lot of different people at the same time, where I justify myself to only one person...myself.

So the answer to the question is rather vague. It is within me but I will lead myself to abstractness trying to answer them. I've begun doing that a lot more often these days. Staring into thin air, trying to figure out NOTHING! Maybe I poked my balloon more than I should have...There are too many holes now and maybe the duct tape cannot contain them...